The file ID in the following tables is the last three digits in the file# from the eMundus platform. It is unique for each applicant. For example: for “N° 2022031016131100000010000139” you would look for 139.
Offered scholarships
The following applicants were chosen by the consortium for a scholarship. This choice took into account both the ranking and the nationality ensuring geographical balance (no more than 10% of the total number of scholarships are awarded to candidates from the same nationality).
The scholarships have to be accepted until May 25.

Reserve list
If scholarships are not accepted, they will be offered to applicants from the reserve list:

Self-funded students
These were accepted by the consortium:

Result of all evaluated applications
All files that complied with the formal requirements were evaluated. Applications that are not on this list are considered incomplete and have not been assessed. This also includes English certificates that were not listed on the website.