The cooperation between partners started in 2016 and we carry out many workshops in 2019 to give life to PROMISE.

Project summary
The EMJM PROMISE aims to train world-class mineral processing postgraduates and future leaders to take the sector into a sustainable future. PROMISE is a two-year and 120 ECTS Master’s Programme. The language of instruction in PROMISE is English and provides an incentive to learn the partners’ national languages which will provide a broad multidisciplinary education in the sustainable recovery of valuable minerals and metals.
The consortium organising PROMISE consists of four universities – the University of Oulu-Finland, the Montanuniversität Leoben-Austria, the University of Zagreb-Croatia and the Universidad Tecnica Federico Santa Maria-Chile. These partners complement and strengthen each other by involving top-level mineral processing laboratories, pilot plants, analytical equipment and recognized scholars and experts. In addition, the consortium has strong ties with the processing industry and a cluster of 31 mining companies, research centres, suppliers and universities demonstrated their endorsement to this program (as associate partners); this provides an excellent environment for the success of this master programme.
Students will have broad competence with specialisation in the main areas of mineral beneficiation emphasised in better mineral recovery from primary and secondary sources, metal recycling (urban mining) and by-product recovery meeting the demands of today’s industry and environmental protection as an integral part of the circular economy. Students will move to at least three HEIs. Upon completion, students will be awarded multiple master’s degree diplomas and a Diploma Supplement.